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Agriculture & Gardening

Water: The Elixir of Life for Everything That Grows and Flourishes

Every living being needs water to survive. Even plants would dry out without water, as they wouldn’t be able to absorb the nutrients present in the soil. Plants use water as a solvent and transport medium for nutrients. Moreover, water is a crucial component for photosynthesis, meaning without water, plants cannot grow and thrive. Therefore, it’s no surprise that all greenery is highly sensitive to water and its changes.

How do plants react to GRANDER® water?

Whether it’s an apple tree, tulip, or lettuce, plants are extremely grateful for GRANDER water. They grow better, are more robust against pests, and yield higher harvests.
Studies confirm what hobby gardeners and plant professionals have long believed.

The benefits of GRANDER water revitalization in fruit and vegetable cultivation:

  • Increases productivity
  • Makes plants more resistant
  • Enhances plant quality
  • Reduces the need for chemicals and fertilizers
  • Ensures a clean irrigation system
  • Products washed with GRANDER water have a longer shelf life

Customer experience

B+H Solutions – fertilizer and plant protection

Elmar Budar ist the Manager of B+H Solutions GmbH, a company that produces of colloidal fertilizers in Remshalden, Germany.

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