Team Spirit, Identification, Enthusiasm
Whether in the far north or deep in the south, whether in Europe or Asia - the entire Grander family, the company surrounding the GRANDER brand, the expert advisers as well as the customers all support each other and enjoy a special kind of closeness.
The competent and well-trained GRANDER expert advisers are water specialists and are available to answer any and all questions regarding water on site for the GRANDER customers and interested people. The expert advisers understand how to deal with individual water situations on site, to analyse and achieve the best possible, long-term water quality with the given measures. A (free-of-charge and noncommittal) consultation forms the basis for the optimal water quality at home, at the office, in the company, at the hotel, in the swimming pool or pond, in agriculture ...
"Just like there are no two people alike, there are no two waters the same anywhere around the world." (Johann Grander)