

In support of Austria's Handicapped Sports Association

Sports and Exercise play an important role for people with handicaps

In support of Austria's Handicapped Sports Association @Austrian Handicapped Sports Association
For people with handicaps, participating in sports is not only a time-intensive task, but also, due to the necessity of increased material and staff requirements, it often involves higher costs.

For this reason GRANDER supports the Austrian Handicapped Sports Association.  Movement fascinates.  For this, the desire arises to improve a learned movement, to perfect it and to compare oneself with others.  Consequently, a natural competitive spirit is born - also among handicapped sports enthusiasts.  Sports athletes often develop into role models.  They become role models for people, who feel totally discouraged in their difficult situation.

"We want to make a contribution, so that people with handicaps can develop through sports," Johann Grander, Managing Director of GRANDER Water Revitalisation states as the company's motivation to step up and support the Austrian Handicapped Sports Association on a regular basis.

The positive effects of physical activity have long since been proven and extend from personal well-being, increased quality of life, increased self-esteem all the way to successful, social integration.  Exercise and sport stand for moments of happiness and inner satisfaction, that can be persoanlly experienced by all humanbeings, in particular those with disabilities.

Having a handicap is a challenge for life.  Showing pity is the wrong approach to take.  It is imperative to develop one's own personality, the strength to accept one's physical limitations and to work on new abilities.  Exercise and sport play an important, supportive role in this development.  Beginning with the rehabilitation, to freetime and mass sports all the way to competitive sports who sometimes turn into top athletes and compete at highly competitive levels.

Thousands of members of the Austrian Handicapped Sports Association (OeBSV) demonstrate what is possible today through their personal involvement and enthusiasm, regardless if it is mass sports, health or in competitive, top-level sports, and show that even people with handicaps can be responsible for their health, because targeted training increases the body's performance level.

The Austrian Handicapped Sports Association represents the interests of people with limitations in sports due to their increased activity and support staff needs and those who are often socially underprivileged.  Sport enables people with disabilities the chance to manage their daily tasks through training of physical abilities, supports their self-esteem and facilitiates easier social integration.  GRANDER is pleased to support the association's commitment in 2016.

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