Animals have excellent sensory organs ...
...therefore they prefer GRANDER water.
Animals react according to their instinct. In fact, their sensory organs are better and more finely attuned than those of humans. In instances where we only see a bowl of water, they feel the difference and choose according to their needs or their instincts.
For many years now, GRANDER water revitalisation has established itself within livestock breeding. The revitalized strength of the water benefits the health of the animals. What works in a professional setting, proves to be beneficial in private households too.
Cats and dogs are naturally poor drinkers. But, if you place a bowl full of revitalized water in front of them, you will be surprised...
An additional tip: GRANDER water improves the water quality in aquariums as well. The water situation relaxes, the amount of required cleaning decreases! Even the Lippizans know which water is good for them. Since October 2003 the famous, white stallions housed in the stables at the Vienna Hofburg have been provided with GRANDER water.
"Our horses drink more water since the installation of GRANDER and the incidence of colics has been significantly reduced," reports Johannes Hamminger of the Spanish Riding School.
>> Reports from Animal Owners...