
Country Hotel Erdaepfelhof - with the power of the potato

Potatoes and GRANDER water spoil the guests

The underground tuber has been in the shadows long enough.  At Erdaepfelhof Ranklleiten in Pettenbach, Austria not only the lunch menu is dedicated to it, but also the entire therapy programme.  At the Erdaepfelhof Ranklleiten both potatoes as well as GRANDER® water spoil the guests.  The philosophy of GRANDER® and the motto of house go hand in hand with each other.  

The solanum is used both in the cuisine and cosmetics:  for the potato diet, the potato wraps, the inhalation as well as the hand and foot baths.  For many years now the team at Erdaepfelhof has been taking care of their guests well-being and comfort.  In order to achieve the best results regarding therapy treatments, the hotel owners rely on GRANDER.

"The revitalized water gushes out of the fountains, installed in the therapy area, and is enjoyed by the guests," explains innkeeper Ulli Haunschmid.

There are also advantages from an economic side: "Since using revitalised water we require less salt for decalcification of the laundry appliances, coffee machines and the steamer," states Haunschmid.  Apart from that there hasn't been any damage to the pipes in the last years.


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