
Alte Post Hotel in Faistenau - where hospitality has tradition

Relaxing with revitalised GRANDER water

The decision to use GRANDER® was influenced by feedback from the guests.  Andreas Teufl and his wife Gabriela are the owners of the Alte Post Hotel in Faistenau near Salzburg, Austria.  In 1999 the GRANDER® water revitalisation was installed in the indoor pool.  In the meantime, Andreas Teufl has expanded the area and has had a device installed in a separate GRANDER® Wellness Oasis.  

The exclusive hotel can look back on a long family tradition and has always endeavoured to pamper its guests in every possible way, thus the decision to use GRANDER technology was influenced by the guests.

"The numerous positive reports on the GRANDER water, the soothing effect, the softness, the pleasant scent - all these things led me to choose GRANDER, " Teufl explains, who was sceptical about GRANDER at first.

However, he has now experienced the positive effects for himself.  "I am really surprised.  I can no longer drink any other kind of water.  I take revitalized water along with me on vacation, because I can no longer drink normal water, or I decide where I will take my vacation according to whether the hotel has GRANDER revitalized water or not."

Andreas Tuefl's whole way of life has been changed, "When you are in constant contact with revitalized water, you feel better, have more energy, more power for the whole day and can regenerate faster."



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