
Carmen and Kuno Werro, 3186 Duedingen - Springtime is asparagus season!

Who doesn't love these green and white, healthy vegetables!

Asparagus in Duedingen with the Werro Family Famille Werro, Düdingen Asparagus in Duedingen with the Werro Family
"Royal vegetables", "spring air in sticks", "edible ivory" - as varied as the comparisons, the fascination which asparagus has repeatedly and through the centuries attracted by many gourmets from all parts of the world.

Springtime is asparagus season!  With the mild temperatures, the local organic asparagus thrive and grow!  Asparagus can grow up to 15 cm at suitable temperatures each day and is harvested twice a day.  This requires a demanding and work-intensive procedure, where a lot of the work is still done manually.

Family Werro uses GRANDER on their asparagus and the asparagus shows its gratitude through the exceptional quality!  Since 2014 the plant has been equipeed with GRANDER water revitalization technology and the asparagus is irrigated using GRANDER and washed with GRANDER revitalized water.

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