
MFL Machine Production Liezen and Giesserei - specialized in engineering and manufacturing

GRANDER makes water softer and gentler

Although the GRANDER® water revitalisation is not meant for the de-calcification of water, a trial was done by the Machine Production Liezen and Giesserei, Austria in 2005.  The first successes were seen after only 2 months: pipe breakage was significantly decreased, the shower heads no longer had calc build-up and the water felt softer and more pleasant.

Corroded heating pipes and calcified pipes were the main problems, with which the technicians at the machine production company Liezen and Giesserei GmbH had to deal with.  In order to get the rust and limestone in the open cool water systems under control, the management turned to GRANDER.  "Every 2 to 3 months there was a silt and dirt build-up in the heating pipes, which led to rust and finally broke the pipes," Ludwig Jerney, assembly supervisor explains.  The technicians had to administer emergency treatment after every damage, in order to repair the system.

Although the GRANDER water revitalisation is not meant for de-calcification, they risked testing it nevertheless.  The initial results were visible within only two months.  The water revitalisation was installed directly on the main network and the entire service, drinking as well as cooling was revitalized.  Lo and behold:  the pipe breakage was decreased, the shower heads were no longer calcified and the water felt much softer when washing.

Measurements confirm these results:  the iron content of the water went from 25.95 mg/l to 0.957 mg/l.

"Since the installation of GRANDER water revitalisation the iron in the water has practically vanished," foreman Hubert Kettner states.

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