

The Best Water for Pools and Ponds

Go for a revitalized dip with GRANDER

Whether you prefer your own pool or garden pond, a public pool, or a lake – GRANDER® not only improves the quality of drinking water but also the water we swim in.

It works just as well for the pool in your own backyard as it does for a large public swimming pool: GRANDER makes swimming extra fun. The palpably soft water is gentle on skin and hair and does not irritate the eyes. Enjoy your time at the pool without regrets – all summer long.

What is more, with GRANDER, you need less chemical disinfectant (such as chlorine) – without compromising the quality of the water. This is due to the fact that GRANDER stabilizes the pool water in a natural way. The limited use of chemical agents is easy on your wallet and the environment both.

GRANDER also helps the fragile ecosystems of natural pools and ponds. By supporting the water’s self-cleaning process and its biological balance, GRANDER stabilizes the microbiological setup of natural pools and ponds. At the same time, the plants that grow around ponds benefit from the revitalized water. Their growth is boosted and they become more resilient to environmental threats.


Watch the videos to see how Blu Fit, a public pool in Bergamo/Italy, and Lake Kaltenbrunn in Prem/Germany have benefited from GRANDER water revitalization.

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