Product of the Month of August: SANOMAG®
Increased well-being thanks to natural magnetism
The SANOMAG® creates its own natural magnetic field with up to 20 meters in diameter. It consists of natural magnets affixed to a magnetic inner coating and connected through highly conductible steel ropes. The handles are also made of iron cores and natural magnets.
These permanent magnets neutralize disturbances from, for example, cell phones, water veins, and power lines, creating access to the original magnetic field.
You can apply the SANOMAG® if you suffer from a lack of energy, problems sleeping, stress symptoms, problems concentrating, or pains of any kind, resulting from blocked energy flows. Users have reported very successful outcomes in cases of, among others:
- migraines
- rheumatic pain
- backache
- allergies
The SANOMAG® also helps you:
- boost your immune system
- fall asleep more easily
- increase your quality of sleep
- have more energy overall
Find out more on the SANOMAG® >>here or in our >>SANOMAG®-Booklet.