

National GRANDER Meeting in Italy

Strengthened water expertise in Italy

Export partner Roland Pernthaler invited to the national consultant meeting in Lazise (Italy) at the end of May, and Heidemarie Grander joined the venue to help.

20 GRANDER consultants from all parts of Italy were on hand to discuss current and new water issues and talk about their experiences. The focus of the meeting was on strengthening the team's knowledge of GRANDER water revitalization, GRANDER products, the company's philosophy, team building and reporting on various projects.


So that the contents could also be explained comprehensibly to everyone, the meeting was even held in two languages ​​- German and Italian.


Heidemarie Grander reported on a very informative and successful event on beautiful Lake Garda. Many thanks to Roland Pernthaler and his team for the organization!

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